Study for "He gave us a song in our heart. Thank you Mr. Utzon."(1995) 

Artist: Neville Williams

Medium: Pencil on cartridge paper

Size: 84cm (W) x 60cm (H)


Early one morning I strolled across the Sydney Harbour Bridge and took some reference photos of this buena vista and then proceeded to make this pencil drawing.

The artwork is a homage to Jørn Utzon architect of the Sydney Opera House who was to “suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune” to quote Shakespeare’s “Hamlet” while trying to guide the opera house project towards its completion.

The opera house is a reminder that big challenges come with a high price on many levels. This artwork is also a wake up call that we are now living in times where this sort of majorly impacting original creative undertaking cannot be made real unless people are prepared to shoulder more shared responsibility in life. Leaders such as Utzon cannot do what they need to do without enough of the right support...more so in these prioritised self preserving times. 

Blinkered narrow outlook produces a blinkered narrow vista.

Having worked as a tour guide for 26 years at the Sydney Opera House this is a particularly familiar view. I know the place very well and with good feeling - its culture, its history, its people, its importance to our national identity. 

It was a very interesting, sometimes exciting and at times very challenging place to work. It was also a wonderful learning environment to find out about the world's people and myself.

The original research drawing was later developed 
into a painting that received recognition 
in an Order of Australia Quest titled “Australia, my Vision”. 
The Award was presented by Bob Carr at NSW Parliament House when he was Premier of NSW.

Looking around today "my Vision" for Australia if not the world would be for us to be people who could do things properly and be able to see 

the buena vista.

Jørn Utzon tried to do things properly.

Steve Jobs tried to do things properly.

Mr. Dyson tried to do things properly.

Walt Disney tried to do things properly.

Ingvar Kamprad (IKEA) tried to do things properly.

Today though the God of Mediocrity reigns supreme. Just where are people running to in a great hurry applying their band aids to all and sundry?

Truly Covid itself is the product of half baked lifestyle by some human beings counter imbalanced by the absolute insouciant greed of others on the world stage. In the broadest picture we have a pandemic of mediocre human behaviours out of control presently. Asking people to do things properly is like pulling teeth.

My vision in the Order of Australia quest was for a country that could say thank you to Mr. Utzon for what he gave us…a lesson in standards. It at least gives me some hope for our future that some years after the Quest enough Australians got our act together and reconnected with Mr. Utzon. 

In this artwork I wanted to thank the great man for showing me something about standards and attempting to do things right. 

My disillusionment with the current less than average behaviours and the impact that those behaviours are having on not only me but all of us are real and palpable. We are insulting each other and ultimately ourselves. 

And people wonder why they are so angry? Do it once do the bloody thing right and we won't be left with the huge (and painful) mess that is currently in a course of being generated.

This pandemic of mediocrity needs a vaccine. -Neville   Celebrate life!



PIC: The sweeping beauty of Wellington NZ (April 2024) / Photo by Steve Holmes

Neville Williams  
8 Palmer Lane Darlinghurst NSW 2010 Australia
Phone: (02) 9380 5486


1993-2022> Major Artwork - 
"The Three Wise Harlequins" now retitled
(While majorly complete this multi-media Artwork is designed to evolve…
so it may change depending on circumstances) 
(Size: 300cm wide x 150cm high)

Completed a major artwork exploring the subjects of healing and recreating Australia through vision, planning, creativity, innovation, aiming for excellence, reconnection and renewal. This artwork also asks its viewers why do we treat our leaders the way we do?

This major work explores the subject of identity at an individual, corporate, city, state, national levels and also at a world environment level. Within the Artwork is a runners baton that itself contains an actual written and visualised 'model vision' for Sydney, NSW, Australia and the World. 

Relevant comment is made in the artwork about human behaviours on an international level using Australia as a model. The Artwork invites the viewer to put in the effort to discover the vision for themselves.

The work here extended far beyond the material artwork itself. I have spent around 30 years encouraging and planting seeds across Sydney, Australia and beyond in support of the need for us to create a grounded wholistic plan forward. I am very happy with my efforts and the part I have played in this bigger picture context exampling a "model vision" for Sydney, NSW, Australia and the World.

It is now up to a whole spectrum of people to take us forward with a real visionI'm talking shared responsibility here. 
So the baton is now passed on.

It is more relevant than ever now that our leaders and the people of Australia can come up with perhaps something better to announce our movement forward as a cohesive Nation!

✱ See references at conclusion of this Resume in support of this artwork and the artist. 

July 1994 - Sept. 2020  Sydney Opera House

2019 - Showcased as a specialist guide John Coburn's Curtains of the Sun and Moon to visitors on a day devoted to respecting Mr. Coburn's contribution to the heritage of the Sydney Opera House and Australia.

• 1999 - Presented the Sydney Opera House to Oprah Winfrey’s international audience.

• 1998 - Talk "The opera house as inspiration to Artists" Presented this talk during the Sydney Opera House 25th Birthday Celebrations. This project involved liaison with a wide cross section of people and arts organisations. Extensive research, collation of written and visual material into a concise, interesting and entertaining presentation to visitors to the house during a special "Secrets of the house" presentation day. This presentation included the creative preparation of three audio-visual slide productions.

• 1994 - Joined Sydney Opera House as a Visitor Services Officer. 
The role here included conducting guided tours to a variety of clientele. 
This role also over the years included Backstage Tours, servicing enquiries face to face, telephone and via Internet; function hosting and other duties as directed.

2006-2007  Concierge  Pinnacle Apartments, Milsons Point
General Public Relations duties. Frontline servicing the needs of Apartment residents.

2006-2007  Volunteer Guide  Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Hosting visitors on tours through the Harris Street Office of our National Broadcaster.

2006-2008 (Approx.)  Kingsteam - Oxford Street Darlinghurst
Worked as a barista, cashier and cleaner in Oxford Street Darlinghurst.

2002 – National Art School
Returned to National Art School to attain Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree.

1999  GALLERY8
Established a sole-trader business GALLERY8 
and presented four fine art exhibitions:

Detail from "La Commedia dell arte nella casa"
 2008 – Exhibition:- “La Commedia dell arte nella casa” when translated..."the comedy of arts in the house”. Completed 16 portraits of staff from diverse areas of the Sydney Opera House and exhibited these portraits in an exhibition to which staff were invited.

• 2003 - Exhibition "LIBERTÉ – In a Brave New World".

• 2000 – Reprise of premier exhibition - "LIBERTÉ 2".

• 2000 – Successful premier exhibition titled…"LIBERTÉ – An Exhibition of Harlequins". 
An exhibition of sculptures and paintings celebrating some of our colourful individuals.

1991-1999 – Major Artwork
Completed a Multi-Media conceptual artwork about Reconciliation. 
Artwork Title: "When the Spirit of Bennelong Returns" 
(Size 5.1m x 1.1m 4 paintings and 1 sculpture)


This artwork is in the care of the National Aboriginal Islander Skills Development Association – NAISDA.

1998  Exhibition titled "Studio Traffic Jam"
Design, planning and installation of a successful Joint Exhibition William Street City.

1994 – Mural  "The Garden of Beauty"
Accepted invitation to facilitate a mural (Size:10m long x 2.4m high) at St. Francis of Assisi School, Paddington. Project involved overseeing the input and participation of 120 students. Designed three project sheets to provide equitable input from the children and enable a co-ordinated contribution, initiating a Children’s Art Show to raise funds for materials, briefing the children, supervising their painting of the mural.

The Garden of Beauty - St. Francis of Assisi School Paddington

1994 – Premier Solo Exhibition
Successful solo Exhibition "Looking Outside Within"- JBF Gallery –Taylor Square, Sydney.

Welcome to Mardi Gras - "A New Kid on the Block"
 National Art School
Study for Diploma of Fine Arts. While an arts student received the following awards

• 1992 - Painting "A New Kid on the Block"
Award TAP GALLERY Exhibition joint First Prize.

 • 1992 - Design Concept "Keys to the Quay"
 Awarded "Outstanding Public Entry" in the City of Sydney Ideas Quest for the redevelopment of East Circular Quay. Award presented by Lord Mayor Frank Sartor.

• 1993 – Painting “Bill's Cafe”
Awarded the Community Lawyers Art Prize at the 1993 Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras.

Bill's Cafe
1991-1993 – Cleaner
Worked as a cleaner at the National Art School to pay way through Art School.

In the lead up to fine arts training completed four large paintings:

• 1987 - Painting "Laurie Brereton. Another picture of Laurie"
This painting appeared on the front page of The Sydney Morning Herald.

The Old and the New
• 1986/87 - Painting "Robert J. Hawke. Portrait of a Nation 1988"
Undertaken with Mr. Hawke’s full understanding. 
Work exhibited in the Art Gallery of New South Wales during Mr. Hawke’s term in office.

• 1986 - Painting "The Old and the New"
Selected for exhibition in the Sydney Morning Herald Art Prize.

• 1985 - Painting "Russell Prowse. The Corporate Personality"
A portrait of the Assistant General Manager and Chief Manager for Development and Marketing at the Bank of New South Wales.

1990 – Lecturer – Queensland College of Art
Lectured special course titled - "The Image of Brisbane" which involved participation with students, teachers, architects, and Aboriginal people. 
The course focused on environmental themes with particular attention to the redevelopment of the 1988 World Expo site now known as South Bank. 
As a lecturer the skills of planning the course, arranging field trips, setting assignments, inviting along guest speakers, assessing assignments and managing a class situation were drawn upon.

1989 – Lecturer Design  Randwick Technical College
Part-time teaching. Lectured the first Multi-cultural students course. 
Communication skills were required here to simplify information to people from diverse cultural backgrounds. Also lectured final year students in Conceptual Design. Conceptual design requires special abilities to communicate, nurture and develop a three dimensional approach from students to problem solving.

1985-1989  DMR/ Roads and Traffic Authority RTA
Display Officer in Public Relations Branch.
1988 Royal Easter Show
First Prize - Best Government Exhibition
Theme: "Connecting Communities"

Responsible for the planning, design, production and realisation of $1.5 million of exhibitions over a four-year period.

Complete responsibility for projects including …

• Preparation of Royal Easter Show Exhibitions 1986, 1987, 1989 Budgets for each of these exhibitions were each in excess of $185,000. 1988 (First Prize - Best Government Exhibition) Budget $380,000.

• Initiating the proposal for and then preparing Bicentenary Pylon Lookout Exhibition at the Sydney Harbour Bridge (Budget $225,000). This exhibition involved working with approximately 200 staff in a team atmosphere with an impossibly short deadline.

1989 Royal Easter Show - Theme: "Your Safety at Heart"
• Conceptualisation and Introduction of the Bradfield Award for the encouragement of engineering students.

• Initiating, planning and production of a Regional Exhibitions programme including training of staff to man displays.

• Countless smaller displays.

Overview of skills required during this period of employment includes:

• Liaison with the Minister and his senior staff including Press Secretary. Liaison with the Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and many other Senior Public Servants including the branch Divisional Engineers.
1986 Royal Easter Show - Theme: Mooney Mooney - "A Bridge to the Future"

 • Initiating ideas, concepts and visions for possible further development to the Minister, senior Ministerial staff and Senior Public Servants. Involving of grass roots staff in early preparations.

• Preparing project presentations both verbal and visual, storyboards, concept drawings and paintings. Constructing for approval/reference three-dimensional models of Royal Easter Show exhibitions. Writing and assessing reports.

• Organise, attend and chair meetings. 
Formal group presentations to Divisional Engineers. 
Liaison and involving of other Government Departments in projects including Department of School Education. (Mrs. Mary Lopez AM now Emeritus Director, NSW Schools Spectacular).  

• Overseeing and managing diverse groups of individuals to realise projects.

• Proposing the concept and arranging of functions:-

e.g. 1) …The retirement function of the Commissioner for Main Roads 
Bruce Loder. Informal party function with entertainment and full sit-down meal held in a large open-air marquee at the Mooney Mooney Bridge site.

e.g. 2) …The opening function of the new Pylon Lookout of the Sydney Harbour Bridge for the Bicentenary. This involved planning of an open air function with entertainment and pick up food. Initiating the involvement of the Minister (Laurie Brereton), Bridge Veterans, Bridge Workers, School Children, Media and other invited guests.

• Design, construct and install displays/exhibitions. Briefing consultants on larger projects.

• Interview people, speak at Universities, hire people. Oversee directly two staff members.

• Planning, planning and planning. Look at issues from short, medium and long-term perspectives.

1984-1985  Menzies (Sydney) Hotel
Two years working as a Night Auditor/Receptionist. 
This position included cash handling, reconciliation and face-to-face interaction and liaison with hotel guests regarding registration.

1984  Children of the Green Earth
Involved for a year assisting in co-ordinating activities. 
Children of the Green Earth was started in the United Nations. 
The group is involved with encouraging children to appreciate their environment and the Aboriginal culture.

1983  The Artist’s Co-operative
Spent a year on an Artist’s Co-operative in the Blue Mountains. 
Worked with other artists to develop a float for participation in the Rhododendron Festival. 
Produced concept visual to inspire contributions by artists.

Remembering Russell Prowse
1972-1982 – Bank of New South Wales/ Westpac
Started here with clerical work (including cash handling/reconciliation) but was transferred into Head Office Development and Marketing Division working with the late Russell Prowse OBE.

• Worked at the front line at six Royal Easter Shows in a customer service capacity. Involved face-to-face interpersonal skills with staff and patrons in a highly pressured environment.

• Designed, supervised construction and/or personally constructed all manner of displays, posters, floats, trophy designs, Farmyard Nursery Royal Easter Show Promotional Displays, Helicopter Rescue Exhibitions.

Helicopter Rescue Service Branch Display

• Designed and arranged in branch promotions, office foyer designs, window displays. 

• Designed, organised and stage managed the first Westpac Annual General Meeting at Sydney’s Wentworth Hotel.
Designer for Concept & Design of original Wales/Westpac ATM Machine Housing

• Conceptualised, designed and oversaw implementation of the original design mark and machine housing concept for the Bank’s Automatic Teller System – Handybank. The project involved extensive interaction working with many different Divisions, Departments and individuals to develop applications of the identity to all manner of items including stationery and advertising.

   • Convinced Senior Management at various levels including General Managers, Chief Managers, Premises Managers, State Advertising and Public Relations Managers, utilizing any ways that could be employed (e.g. formal presentations, phone calls, face to face), of the need for the conscious application organization wide of the principles of Corporate Design and Corporate Identity. 

Much in the way Westpac presents itself today including the name Westpac had its formation in the work Neville was doing while in the position of Designer with this Company.

                                                                                      PIC: John Hayman
The Artist (1981)


2002 – Awarded degree BA (Fine Arts) National Art School, Sydney.

2001 – Completed Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree Conversion Course National Art School.

1991 - 1993 - Awarded Fine Arts Diploma National Art School. Three year full time course.

1982 - NIDA - National Institute of Dramatic Art 
Accepted into NIDA to study design for theatre stage.

1978 – 1980 Completed and awarded the Graphic Design Certificate Course Randwick Technical College TAFE. Three-year part-time course.

1973 – 1976 Completed and awarded the Advertising Certificate Course Sydney TAFE. Four-year part-time course.

1971 – Completed School Certificate.



Title:"BENNELONG DREAMING (After  Coburn)"

The centre of the artwork features a new Australian Flag…"The New Standard"
I have had a go at designing a new National Flag. My flag is workable.
It is far too early though to reveal the design publicly.
For this or any other National Flag to have value and meaning it needs to be earned.
When we earn something we appreciate it.

The Party is just beginning.



🔴 More of this artist's work

🔴 Read an on going commentary by this artist ... 

🔴 Neville Williams can also be found on 'Linkedin'








Just one more from this artist's previous working life 
in the field of CORPORATE IDENTITY....



Neville (1991)
Size: 120cm H x 130cm W
Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Artist's Footnote:
Truth is when I painted this picture I didn't feel very loveable.
It was a dark and depressing period in my life. Year 1 Art School 1991.
I had to really struggle to find any shades of colour at this time.

Oscar Wilde through a character in one of his plays says it poetically:-
“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

My interpretation of what he is saying is that we are not here to master life. 
We need to let life master us. Not sure though that Oscar would have seen it that way!

We can fight it.
We can want everything to be the way we want "it" to be whether we're talking
about ourselves or everything around us. Control freaks. In charge.
But we're not.

In fact fighting is now so common it is passé, out of vogue, darlings.

The happiest people I've known and know 
accept their place and walk with life.

We need to learn to celebrate life. - Neville

PIC: Jimmy Zero


"We must not forget
that art is not a form of propaganda;
it is a form of truth."

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